

One Year After Harvey

One Year After Harvey

Tomorrow, August 25, is the one-year anniversary of Hurricane Harvey. The wind, storm surge, intense rain, and unprecedented flooding that followed devastated the Houston area and many communities along the Texas gulf coast.

OFITE has always been proud to be a part of the Houston community. Our roots here go deep. And we shared in the heartbreak and pain of the region as we watched the terrible events unfold.

This weekend, we want to remember the tragedies of the storm and celebrate the triumphs of our families, friends, neighbors, coworkers, and partners who faced the unthinkable, and remained, as always, #HoustonStrong.

Many victims of Hurricane Harvey are still in need of assistance. If you would like to contribute, here is a list of organizations still helping those in need:

Come See us at the SPE ATCE in Dallas
A Better Way to Retort